History of Iowa:

    Iowa has a long history stretching back long before the Americans.  Iowa was first controlled by natives for thousands and years until about the 1680's.  That is when France started coming down from Canada and setting up farms among the natives.  They took control with small scale farming in Iowa and land around Iowa for productivity for France.  Over a hundred years later when France was in need of big money they sold America a massive amount of land called the Louisiana Purchase including Iowa in 1803.

    Iowa then became a territory for America until after the war of 1812.  A few small treaties causing the natives to leave allowed settlers to move into Iowa  and create the state Iowa by 1846.  Many American and foriegners moved to the state of Iowa to farm and produce productivity and increasing it's population. 

    Since Iowa  has great farming land they supported the Union troops with food supply in the civil war.  Iowa remained a state in the Union with no slavery and has heavily voted for Abraham Lincoln.  The state of Iowa supports Abraham Lincoln and isn't leaving.  





Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., "History of Iowa." Last modified Sept 18,2011. Accessed September 21, 2011. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Iowa.